Football Lines and The Gambler

When you consider gambling with any sport, one of the most important things that you will need to look at are the lines. For example, with the football games, gamblers should look closely at the football lines. When you look at these lines, you are looking at a very important clue when it comes to deciding what would be the best bet in regards to the game you are looking at betting on. Football betting lines show the gamblers information that they will need to utilize during their attempts at gambling in order to make any kind of headway into the profit areas.

When you look at football lines, what you are really looking at in terms of gambling is a key. Football lines should be carefully examined and reviewed, and many gamblers learn this lesson too late. They make on big mistake, and then they learn this and go forward. But in order to avoid making mistakes with football lines, gamblers need to be on the look out for changes and shifts and really research before making any concrete decisions.

The betting lines show, obviously, the upcoming games and the teams who are playing, but in addition to this they also show the point spreads. These tables are very key pieces of information. They are highly organized and can help gamblers keep track of what is coming up and what they can be looking for in the future. The key piece of information inside the football lines are the point spreads.

What Type of Gambler Are You? Part II

We’ve classified the three Okay Gamblers in Part I. If you don’t find your wagering habits described there, then perhaps you belong in those that we’ll list below. If you do, it’s time to do some serious re-evaluation of your priorities before you’ll ruin your life and those of your family. For one particular type, you can consider asking for psychiatric help.

Not-Okay-At-All Gamblers

Problem Gamblers

For those who belong to this category, gambling has resulted in at least one negative consequence in their life, be this in their finances or with their relationships. Problem gamblers will borrow from friends or from their credit cards to finance their wagers. They will even used money allocated for food, bills and rent to finance their wagers. It is common for families to get broken because of this. Needless to say, they spend excessive time gambling. The problem gambler hates to lose and chases after it to get even. Mood swings after a loss is also common. Moreover, work performance is diminished and those who belong to this category even view gambling as another job. They turn to gambling to fund the needs for daily living. Of course, they get into all sorts of financial troubles in doing so. They are regulars at casinos and other gambling establishments, and the perks they receive encourage them to gamble more. They may quit temporarily to prove that they aren’t problem gamblers or after a particularly heavy loss, but will still almost always go back to the habit once they find money for it. While they’re not mental cases, it’s always a good idea for problem gamblers to find ways out of this problem, asking for help when necessary. Oh, and if you don’t acknowledge you have a problem but fits our description above, chances are, you really are a problem gambler.

Pathological Gamblers

Pathological or compulsive gambling is a form of mental disorder according to the American Psychiatric Association. Aside from the characteristics exhibited by the problem gamblers, compulsive gamblers also view gambling as a solution to their financial problems (originally caused by the gambling itself) and not as the problem itself. The compulsive gambler has been bailed out at least once by a family member or friend or has maxed out credit cards to get them out of a bind. Any wins they make are always reinvested into gambling and it is not uncommon for them to have burned out relationships due to excessive borrowing. Fighting with a partner is also common. They have urges to gamble and may even go as far as to view the gambling house their home. It’s usual for them to view casino staff as friends even if they have no other connection with them. Being a mental disorder, it is recommended that pathological gamblers seek the help of a psychiatrist for proper evaluation and further treatment.

What Type of Gambler Are You?

People gamble for different reasons. There are the ones that are there to strike it rich and never work again. Casual gamblers are the ones that go to the casino because they are already in the area for another event. Then there are the people that play the slot machines just hoping they can make enough to keep on playing. There are also people there because the just cant stop.

Self control is the key to successful gambling. Have you ever heard the expression “slow and steady wins the race”? This can also be applied to gambling. There are many beat the odds systems out there. They will not work for every type of gambler. Most people don’t want to work at anything, they want to “get rich quick”. There isn’t any system out there that can help these people. Some may start out with good intentions but get greedy in the end.

The people that can profit from a system are the gamblers that are there because they like the game. They don’t need to be there, they just want to play. These systems need to be followed to the letter or they will not work. This takes a lot of patience and time. If you are this type of gambler you might as well profit from it.

Before choosing your gambling strategy figure out what type of gambler you are. If you are a high risk gambler, thinking you can get rich quick. Thinking you can beat the odds can be very dangerous. Don’t put yourself at risk. Remember Slow and steady wins the race.

Fantasy Football Offers Gamblers a Unique Kind of Fun

If you are a gambler, and you enjoy sports, chances are you’ve bet on football at some time in your life. If you love football, and you have never played fantasy football, you’ll want to check into this fun and unique way to gamble on your favorite sport that doesn’t involve a bookie.

The popularity of fantasy football has exploded in the past five years. Over 15 million Americans play this amazing game today. Newsstands are littered with magazines about the game, and if you search “fantasy football” on the Internet, hundreds of pages will pop up, with thousands of web sites, dedicated to providing information on how to play and statistics that will arm you with the tools for success.

The fun really begins, though, when you join a league, and you play against others week to week. Now, to get your gambling fix, you can play a variety of ways. First, most leagues have an entry fee to cover running the league (a few parties are always in order) and to create a prize fund. There is one Internet league called the Fantasy Football World Series that offers the winner $250,000. But you don’t need the Internet to feed your hunger for football or gambling.

Just find ten or eleven other gamblers, start your own league, and toss in fifty to one hundred dollars toward the prize fund. Voila, you’ve got $500 to $1,000 dollars to compete for. Now, if this isn’t enough, simply add a weekly pool into the mix. Get others in the league to throw in an extra ten to twenty dollars, and give the money to the team that scores the most points each week. If you’re creative, you can come up with many ways to bet on your fantasy football team.

Now, if you’re a real gambler, imagine paying one million dollars to join a fantasy football league. Your league has 16 teams, and it has added to the prize fund, through some investments over a ten-year span. Your league commissioner tells you that this season you are playing for a winner-take-all, lottery-sized prize of $30 million. All you have to do is select the best players in the NFL and win your fantasy football league. Are you trying to figure out the best way to increase your team’s advantage? Are dollar signs dancing through your head? What might someone, desperate to win, do to assure himself victory each week?

Want to find out how millionaire gamblers play fantasy football? Read The League — the only work of fiction every published about fantasy football. Learn more today at Then, quench your own gambling thirst by joining a fantasy football league of your own. Unlike the members of The League, you don’t have to play for millions to have fun.